BSN Nursing Degrees: Facts You Should Know

nurse and doctor

A Bachelor of Science in Nursing is the basic requirement that most nurses need in order to practice. There are many different ways to earn a BSN degree and a lot of specializations for those who complete it. So why go through the process of doing a BSN degree?

These degrees are specifically designed to prepare those who see a future in nursing with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. The programs offered are often well rounded and can be applied to through both physical and online universities. Once the BSN program has been completed, the graduate can also extend their field of study to become a registered nurse or a specialized nurse.

The Education You Need

The prerequisites for entering the BSN program depend on the institution you have applied to but most of them do require a high school diploma. The big differences come in the types of subjects you took at school, but most will require that you take English, social sciences … Continue reading full article